There's a Chill in the Air!
But it's always cozy in the library.
STEM Club: Puff Paint Cards. Thursday, 2/6, 3:30-4:30. Make a picture or card for a loved one - using chemistry to create a 3D effect.
Craft Club: Mosaic Magnets. Tuesday, 2/11, 3:30-4:30. Make a small mosaic - an item decorated with little colored pieces - that you can hang on the fridge.
Pajama Storytime: Stone Soup! Wednesday, 2/19, 6:00-7:00. Come hungry: we'll be serving fresh vegetable soup, decorating bowls to take home, and reading some soup-er bedtime stories.
Big Bug Party. Tuesday, 2/25, 3:30-4:30. We learned about butterflies in January: now it's time to get up close and personal with some more creepy-crawlies! There might be real live tarantulas, cockroaches, even a scorpion - you have to be there to find out!
Sensory Playtime. Friday, 2/28, 11:00-12:00. Get messy at the library instead of at home!
New this year: Teen Craft Take-and-Make Kits!
On the third Monday of each month, a set of craft kits will be available for pickup in the YA room at the library. They are free for the taking to anyone between 6th and 12th grades - please do not take if you are older or younger! You can sit and work on the project in the library or bring it home to do on your own time.